Thursday, March 28, 2013

What Squirrel Creek has been up to

Squirrel Creek Creations Update!

Even though we haven't had time for a daily blog in a while, we're still busy busy busy with crafting! We've been focusing more on leather crafts such as masks, winged-headbands and various steampunk style accessories. We've also been hitting up conventions all over Wisconsin such as Geekkon, Anime Milwaukee and Kitsune Kon. May 17-19 we'll be at Anime Central in Chicago, and not only will it be the largest show attendance-wise but we're shooting for having 150 new masks for sale! 
Some of our newest designs include steampunk wolves, metallic dragons, and steampunk-victorian masks. Our most popular are definitely the Okami style masks and have even had multiple people trying to purchase them at once! Crazy!

Momma Squirrel and myself (Liz) have been the main creators in this endeavor, but it is still a family effort! Kym has been dabbling in mask making as well, and got to form her first mask a couple weeks ago. Papa Squirrel has been helping with cutting out masks and also assists with the sewing for our plague doctors and other masks we cut up.
I'm going to try to at least update this once a week with information on our progress with preparing for shows, upcoming events, and more detailed information on specific mask's background stories!
~Liz of Squirrel Creek Creations, LLC