Monday, March 2, 2015

How to Form a Leather Mask

Hello everyone!

I'm back with a continuation of this post on how to wear your mask with spirit gum.

Wide Eyed Super Hero Mask - Ready to Wear!

In the post, the subject of forming a mask to fit your face came up. You want to be comfortable for those long days in costume at a convention. The best way to make sure your mask feels good for hours on end is to form it to your own face!

It's a fairly simple process, and doesn't take long.

Once you've got your formed mask, you can paint it any way you like! I recommend acrylic paints or leather dye. There's lots of ways to decorate it as well, or just leave it nice and simple.

Here's the video link.


You can buy a ready to form mask here, or check out the Squirrel Creek Creations Etsy shop by clicking on the links to the right!

I'll be back in 2 weeks to talk about painting your mask. Thanks for stopping by, have a Squirrelriffic day!

- Kym

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